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The Ribbon - Care for Caregivers Guestbook

Guest: 86
Name: Sharon
From: Alabama
Referred By: Newsletter
Time: Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Looking for some specific suggestions and INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND TECHNIQUES.

Mother has been living with my husband and I for 3 or 4 years now.... No breaks... (brother and sister choose not to help)
I need to hire someone to assist one day a week or more.

BUT.... I need help in how to interview.... questions to ask..... What do I need to know to start this process...

Please respond to my e-mail if possible... My time is so limited that I don't get to read guestbook often..

Guest: 85
Name: Cyndi Sepulveda
From: Addison,IL.
Referred By: AOL
Time: Sunday, November 16, 2003

My mother was just diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's disease and now has to go into a nursing home. This is such a shock to me since I thought she was just getting old. She is just like a little child with her dolls and stuffed animals and for her to know that she will have to leave all of her personal belongings behind will devastate her. She really does not comprehend the fact that she will be leaving her apartment and her belongings behind and in January moving into a small bedroom with a roommate. She still loves to shop and I think she always will till the day she dies. She enjoys her freedom and I feel so bad that she will be resticted from going anywhere; however, I believe that it is for the best since there will be people around there constantly to keep an eye on her. Right now, my son is living with her; going to art school and working all day; so he does not get to see or spend much time with him. He feels bad since most of the time she does not know who he is.She has such strong attachment to my son because she took care of him for the first three years of his life while I had to go to work. He will be coming to live with me in January; since his birthday is on Christmas Day and my mom wants to be in her home for Christmas with the whole family one more time. Please pray for my mom,Jane and keep our entire family in your prayers.
    God Love you all,
     Cyndi Sepulveda

Guest: 84
Name: Milking Tits
From: Germany
Website: newbie question
Referred By: Yahoo!
Time: Monday, November 10, 2003

how can i save this page on my hard drive ?

Guest: 82
Referred By: Google
Time: Friday, October 31, 2003


Guest: 78
Name: Fran Thorne
From: North Carolina
Website: My dear Aunt millie
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Monday, October 27, 2003

As a caregiver to an alzheimer's woman that I had to placed in nursing home .It has been so hard emotionally for me and each time that I visit her it makes me realize how important it is to continue to support the and other alzheimer's support organzations.

Guest: 77
Name: Rufat Eminoff
From: Russia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, October 26, 2003

Just wanted to say that your website is AMAZING! I was browsing the web just for fun, to have a look at some good websites as it helps me in work. Well, I'd be proud to have a website like yours - its very useful and well-designed. So go ahead, and continue to make the web better!

Guest: 76
Name: Jeanne Lee
From: Hawaii
Website: Jeanne in Hawaii? "JU
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Friday, September 19, 2003

I consider myself to be a friend of Linda from the gathering place and Sacramento. She opened her home to my sister and I on my lecture and book tour.If any one ever feels depression of the slightest contact her. What a gal, genuine, giving and a heart bigger then California. Or visit was too short but it will not be the last time we get together. Not enough love in the world to match her.

Guest: 75
Name: buchversand
From: DE
Website: buchversand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Thursday, August 28, 2003


Keep up the good work and good luck!


Guest: 74
Name: Sheila
From: Oregon
Referred By: AOL
Time: Sunday, August 10, 2003

My 86 yr. old Mom has Dementia we had to put her in Nursing Home April 03. I am the youngest of 5 kids, at 44 yrs. old, I am having a hard time dealing with this.
Mom does pertty much know who we are, she just got to point she could'nt help herself anymore, Her legs got very weak,now she gets around in wheel chair. A sister did have her living with them for about 2 yrs. till things were getting to hard, I hated having to put her in there, I see her everyday, And we all really like the care she recieves. But it is still hard.

Guest: 73
Name: Jennifer
From: oklahoma
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Friday, August 01, 2003

It has been a blessing for me to find this site. I truely hope to meet new friends and share in my experiences with my mother. She has been diagnosed with AD approx 2 years ago.

Thank everyone for their prayers and support


Guest: 72
Name: Debbie
From: Ohio
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Saturday, June 07, 2003

Thanks so much. I am a caregiver for my MOM. She is 80 and my sisters and brother have been takin care of her at home. I go through much guilt and many days where I just cry, when I leave my shift with her.I PRAY for patience, as it get's so hard sometimes. MY MOM was ALWAYS patient with us. Thanks again for all the support, and knowing that I'm not alone.

Guest: 71
Name: cherylgrom
From: jacksonville Fla
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, April 20, 2003

If you have any kind of mail out let me know

Guest: 70
Name: cherylgrom
From: jacksonville Fla
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, April 20, 2003

If you have any kind of mail out let me know

Guest: 69
Name: Katie Bryson
From: Manchester
Referred By: Google
Time: Thursday, April 03, 2003

My mother, Jane, is 54 years old. She is in the third stage of early-onset Alzheimer's. Myself, my father and brother have felt very isolated and all of us have found your website very useful. I am desperate to get in touch with anyone who is caring for a younger sufferer - we need to feel that we can share our experiences. Thank you for providing a much needed service.

Guest: 68
Name: Kay
From: Fairview, TN
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, March 30, 2003

I have been reading your site for about a year now. It has been a great comfort to me. I have learned alot about AD. My husband is 53 years old and has AD. He is not able to work at now, and it has really been hard on him. He is not accepting this at all. Keep up the great work! You are a Blessing.

Peace be with you,

Guest: 67
Name: jeanne
From: honolulul
Website: "JUST LOVE ME&quo
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Monday, March 17, 2003

I could not find another place to send my fondest Aloha to Jamie and family. I too have Alzheimer's and cared for mom. Your faithful sharing of your time with grandmothers and mom have surely helped so many in carring for loved ones. Your strength and go for it attitude, your desire to share and help others have helped me many times. I am truly greatful, for you and the Ribbon, daily. Much Aloha Jeanne from Hawaii

Guest: 66
Name: K8
From: IL
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, February 23, 2003

Just surfed in. Don't know what you are about yet
with just the thank you comments.

Guest: 65
Name: Marylou
From: Nevada
Referred By: Net Search
Time: Thursday, February 20, 2003

Blessings to all..
I've been here once before in 2001 to mention about my husband whom has Alzheimer's Disease.. oh what challenges I have been thru in the past two years..Amazing of the wonders of prayers and faith have done for me.. my husband is still with me, I thank the Lord, yet everyday now there are subtle changes.. I've gotten to where now I am taking a hard look at legal and financial things that must be taken care of now... I really praise ALL caregivers of any disease as they put their life on hold to give Love and support.. May God Bless Everyone and this web-site is so informative and helpful with advice I thank you so much for being there..

Blessings and Prayers

Guest: 64
Name: Karen
From: Maine
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, February 12, 2003

I have been taking care of my parents for 3 years FULL time- but working for them since 1996. I didn't know what my Mom's problem was, My Dad has dementia but my Mom was different. After reading in your site, I think my Mom may have Alzhimers- both are in the final stages and reading your site has given me the support and peace I needed to care for them. THANK YOU

Guest: 63
Name: Ally Jamison
From: Dallas Texas
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Thursday, January 30, 2003

I have been reading many of your articles and my heart has been touched deeply. Thank you for this beautiful place. A member of another type of support group recommended this site to me over a year ago and I am just now here. I am sorry I didn't arrive sooner.

I look forward to reading more and joining in a few of your chats.

A. Jamison

Guest: 62
Name: lesley
From: USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, January 12, 2003

Great site!

Guest: 61
Name: Sandie
From: Kentucky
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Thursday, December 05, 2002

I'm enjoying The Ribbon. I don't think I could get through all the stages of this horrible disease without suppport. Thank you for that.
My husband of 17 years has Alzheimer's and Multi Infarct Dementia.

Guest: 60
Name: Dennis McDonough
From: West Chester, Pennsylvania
Referred By: AOL
Time: Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I have sent a separate email.

Guest: 59
Name: susan
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Thursday, November 21, 2002

Is there a f2f alzheimers support group in or very near hemet, california?

My best friend needs support and has no computer access.

Thanks --- please email me with answer at

Guest: 58
Name: debbie
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Monday, November 11, 2002

I take care of my 82 year old grandmother.shes getting so bad and I needed some info. thank you.

Guest: 57
Name: Sharon G. Perkins
From: Kentucky
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Saturday, November 09, 2002

Haven't surfed the site yet, so no comments.

Guest: 56
Name: Sandy Wilson
From: Midland, TX
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Thursday, October 31, 2002

Went looking for a place to meet nice, understanding people and here I am!!!

Guest: 55
Name: elizabeth
From: vermont
Referred By: Net Search
Time: Monday, October 07, 2002

that has been a place for me to   talk with other who understand caring for others;you can let your hair down,put your feet up and chat with a lot of nice people.

Guest: 54
Name: Craig A. Schlie, DDS
From: California
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Saturday, October 05, 2002

I've begun a formal course of study in Gerontology. I found this site while looking for descriptions of Alzheimer's stages. I appreciate the 7 Stage Model. I would like to point out that the word DISEASE is misspelled on the page headed as "Stages of Alzheimer's Disese: 7 Stage Model."

Guest: 53
Name: Linda Salem
From: Nebraska
Referred By: Google
Time: Monday, September 23, 2002

Great site. Keep up the good work.

Guest: 52
Name: Mary Lockhart
From: Oklahoma
Website: Mary's Place
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Monday, September 23, 2002

Jamie, thank you for this great site and also for featuring me in this months "Before I Forget" section.

Guest: 51
Name: Eve
From: Oklahoma
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Monday, September 09, 2002

Looking for economically friendly intermittent in home care for a parent with AD. Someone with training in AD who can assist the parent in mind stimulating activites/games.

Guest: 50
Name: Dr. Jane Schumacher
From: Illinois
Referred By: Google
Time: Monday, September 02, 2002

This is the best website on Alzheimers' that I have found yet! Thank you! I plan to share the website address with my support group tomorrow night!

Guest: 49
Name: Marie Corbett
From: East Coast,North Carolina
Referred By: Yahoo!
Time: Wednesday, August 21, 2002

I just found your web pages and after last Tuesday, I just needed some words of comfort, I was the part time caregiver for my Mother in law who has Alzheimer, The family had me to be the one to take her to the rest home from a private home where she has been for 12 years, It was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do in my life but she is doing so good and seems to be more contented than she was at home,I wonder if maybe we were doing her more harm than good by having each of the 4 children go get her one day a week to give the main caregiver some time to rest, also in the same rest home is 2 , yes 2 of her sisters, one had a severe stroke about 4 years ago and the other sister has Dementias and sundowners, The rest home is clean and all the nurses and aids are so friendly and helpful so I guess just seeing my thoughts written down have already made me feel some better, I admit I do have some guilty feelings about being the one to take her but I really don't think the family c..

Guest: 48
Name: Richard N. Dragoo
From: Hemet, California
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Tuesday, August 20, 2002


Guest: 47
Name: Susan Uribe
From: Bloomington, CA
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Monday, August 05, 2002

I think it is wonderful to have another place to come to when we are looking for peace. I especially enjoyed the dedication garden.

Guest: 46
Name: BeeG
From: Arizona
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, August 04, 2002

Hi, I am caregiver for my mother, and was looking for information, and support. Will check back another time.

Guest: 45
Name: Richard Ludt
From: portland, oregon
Website: spiritbodymassage
Referred By: Google
Time: Friday, August 02, 2002

Glad to see a place to share thoughts and hear ideas. I look forward to reading the archives. My grandmother just passed away July 8th 2002, she would have been 82 July 31st. She was in the early stages of not remembering short term.It was hard the last year of her life as she was receiving care with my mom and her partner. Phil my mom's partner was in charge of so much for the two of them. My mom has early onset Alz. and is now starting to need more help herself. He has been struggling with not having many people to talk to who are in the same situation, and his being the kind of person who just faces the challenges and meets them ,makes it hard for me to know how best to support him.
I will be sharing the link to this ribbon with him in hopes it will be some support. Thank you for providing the space.
Richard Ludt

Guest: 44
Name: Charlotte Gold
From: Texas
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Thursday, August 01, 2002

A great place for foilks to gather in a non threatening non judgemental place for talk and suport.

Guest: 43
Name: gail m.
From: billerica,mass.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, July 31, 2002

My husband is in middle stage of AZ, I am the sole
caretaker and eventually this will be my only way
to communicate with the outside world as our world

My husband is in the middle stage of AZ, I am the
sole caretaker. This web site will be one of the
few ways I can communicate with others who can help
me go through this terrible road we will need to


Guest: 42
Name: Peggy Joyce
From: Mississippi
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, July 31, 2002

I am the sole caregiver for my husband who is in the early stages of AD. I think this place will be helpful to me as I learn about this disease.
Thank You

Guest: 41
Name: Molly
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Saturday, July 20, 2002

This will be a great help to me as a caregiver to both my mom and dad. Others in the same situations can be a support group and encourage each other.

Guest: 40
Name: Tonyalle Rush
From: Mississippi State, MS
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Monday, July 15, 2002

I think that this is a great website. My family are going through this now and it is good when I can come and read about what is going on with my grandfather. Thanks a lot.

Guest: 39
Name: Barbara
From: Barrington, IL
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Wednesday, July 10, 2002

My mom is 93 years old and is in the last stages of AD.

Guest: 38
Name: ryan
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Saturday, June 22, 2002

informative site

Guest: 37
From: miller, nebraska
Website: msn homepage
Referred By: MSN
Time: Monday, June 17, 2002

my dad and i have been looking for a user friendly site for alzheimers support and education for my siblings and their children. we like this one and will continue to visit . thank you so much for just being there for us.

Guest: 36
Name: marjorie
From: springfield
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Friday, June 14, 2002

Have heard that you really help a person just     beginning to see the (loss) that happens when a loved
one is forgetting and   slipping.

Guest: 35
Name: Evelyn Daniel
From: Lancaster,CA
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Tuesday, June 04, 2002

Ihave a terrible time with computer stuff. Signed in to chat with you last week. Can't figure out how I did it. Can you help me out with SIMPLE instructions for a dippy old woman?

Guest: 34
Name: David Turi
From: New Jersey
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Thursday, May 09, 2002

Father has AD.

Guest: 33
Name: Richard Stock
From: Delano, California
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Sunday, April 21, 2002

Our Father has Alzheimers and is in his third home. How do you find the right place? A lot of time and effort goes into researching, asking questions, and visiting various places only to find out there is neglect, abuse (mainly from other patients), and general falsehoods told to us before arriving. Perhaps we are expecting too much-any suggestions?

Guest: 32
Name: Annie Malone
From: New York City
Referred By: Yahoo!
Time: Saturday, March 23, 2002

I am quite impressed with your material. I copied several articles: i.e., Wanting to go Home, Behav ioral Problems, Responding postiviely to Alzheimer''s patients. They were DYNAMO and right on taraget. I do wish other professional would read this material. I will certainly recommend your material to others. Thanks a lot.

Guest: 31
Name: Pat Johnson
From: Henderson,NV
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Friday, March 15, 2002

My mother has Alzheimer Disease, I put together a scrapbook for the Alzheimers Assoc. and they are the ones that told me about you.they said your articles were very informative. so here i am.thank you, Pat

Guest: 30
Name: Dick Kennedy
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Thursday, March 14, 2002

My wife was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's yesterday, March 13, 2002

Guest: 29
Name: Hev
From: Washington State
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Thursday, February 28, 2002


Blessings to you and everyone who helps with this site and newsletter. I as a caregiver to my Mother-in-law will learn to manage. This web site will help in that learning process. She has had this disease for several years already, but just recently diagnosed. Thank you again to everyone that has put forth the effort to start this web site. God Bless!

Guest: 28
From: Glen Burnie, Maryland
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Wednesday, February 20, 2002

I know Kevin Fisher and his family and decided to submit a recipe. This looks like a great source of help for people who really need this support while they are trying to cope with a loved one's needs. Keep up the good work. God Bless all of you.

Guest: 27
Name: Rick Frank
From: Rochester NY
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, February 13, 2002

My wife (Lynn) and I are the caregivers for my dad (3yrs now) with Alz.
Just starting to get to the serious stage. Look forward to discussing the situation with others.

Guest: 26
Name: geoff
From: uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Had a good browse round the site.It was reassuring to see that your not the only one going through the " problems " that arise.I would love to be able to chat to someone at some point about caring for someone with early onset alz, but who is now going into the advanced stage.

Guest: 25
Name: maureen
From: New Hampshire
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Sunday, January 27, 2002

My 86 year old mother has alz. This site has been so helpful to me. Great resources! Thank you

Guest: 24
Name: Ed Cook
From: Nashville, TN
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Saturday, January 26, 2002

I was Guest 17. My sister-in-law just died from A/D. Ten years in a nursing home! What a relief! Sound mean or callous? You all know what I mean. Needed care before that that her daughter with a husband and 2 daughters tried to give. She was the sister to my wife who had A/D as well as their father. Genetic? Would seem so, wouldn't it? Do you need help? Contact your local Alheimer's Association. They can give you lots of help. Most important, get help early. I didn't and I'm sorry. Things could have been a lot easier if I had.

Guest: 23
Name: Patrice
Referred By: Offline Support Group
Time: Friday, January 25, 2002

Just wanted to Chat with people about Dementia

Guest: 22
Name: Nancy
From: Cape Coral, FL
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Thursday, January 24, 2002

Murphy's Alzheimer's Mom just died 2 weeks ago tonight, after I took care of her for the past 5 years....and I just found this website....I sure could have used your chat many times. Glad you're here for other caregivers; I only wish you were easier to find.
aka: whatalife
aka: notalife

Guest: 21
Name: Kurt Bradley
From: Auburndale, Fl
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, January 20, 2002

   I had no idea that youhad embarked on this project. What a tribute to your mother and your love of others and their daily struggles to survive, intact! I cn recall many, many IM's with you as we both struggled to cope with our demons. You with your and I with Barbara's. Though their diseases differed, their caregivers struggled valiantly to hold on to their sanity and deliver the quality of care and love that they so richly deserved. Keep up your efforts, never say die and know in your heart that your efforts are never futile or forgotten. Life on earth is but a blink of the eye, in the vast hereafter your efforts will not be forgotten.

Your firend and fellow caregiver,

Kurt Bradley aka " Bubba"

Guest: 20
Name: michele
From: mass
Referred By: Online Support Group
Time: Friday, January 18, 2002

this room has been a godsend for me since my dad got alz i didnm,t know a thing about it or a person who knew about it!! ty ty ty so much for having me linda and kevin if i was a angel i would give u some wings!!! love michele,, ps also it helped me when my mom died from breast cancer too everyone is so awesome here,, and i finally got back !!! love michele:)

Guest: 19
Name: Sharon
From: Wisconsin
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Friday, January 11, 2002

Actually, I stopped in after reading the book "Finding the JOY in Alzheimer's. Caregivers share the JOYFUL times. By Brenda Avadian, M.A.
It is kinda of like a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.
The book has lot's of places for support, I thought I would check this out, cause I sure need it!
Mom has Alzheimer's...taking one day at at time!

Guest: 18
Name: jean
From: tehachapi, ca
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Sunday, January 06, 2002

i read an article in the delta kappa gamma bulletin on care givers and found some websites for care givers. chat rooms are all new to me, but i need some help. how do i go about getting on a chat website to get help. my husband has frontal lobe dementia. thank you

Guest: 17
Name: Ed Cook
From: Nashville, TN
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Friday, December 28, 2001

Actually, I found out about this page from some of your members when they were in Nashville for a reunion of sorts and they joined us (Alzheimer's Association) in our Memory Walk. Great bunch of ladies and a great web page, Congratulations.
I am an erstwhile caregiver (my wife died last year) and am now a volunteer devoting one day a week to the Alzheimer's Association Mid-Tennessee office.

Guest: 16
From: Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Thursday, November 29, 2001

After seeing 3 different doctors, my family and I have been told that my mother who is 54 has AD. From the information that I have seen on the internet she is in the 5th & 6th stage of the disease. My mom does nothing that she is use to doing. All she does is sleep. I don't know why. i would to be able to find all the information I can to help us all to deal with this disease. My dad has had the hardest time dealing with the whole issue. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell my whole story here. Anyhow, I would love to be able to meet other people and get and share, 9if I can) ideas with others. I am so happy that I found the webdite. Talk to all soon:)

Guest: 15
Name: Robin
From: Linthicum
Referred By: NewsGroups
Time: Monday, November 12, 2001

Brand new.....tonight. I read about Kevin Fisher in the newspaper. My parents now live with us and my dad has Alzheimers.

Guest: 14
Name: Kathy Bradford
From: Scottsdale Arizona
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, October 24, 2001

My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers- it's been getting increasingly worse over the last few years and she seems to be deteriorating rapidly- I'm reseaching and studying anything I can in order to become more knowledgable. I'd like to make others'more aware- Is there a way to get "The Ribbon"- pin? Thanks

Guest: 13
Name: Madeleine Fowler
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Thursday, October 18, 2001

Learned of your site at a ALZ Support Group Meeting. Am sure I will be viewing it regularly. My husband has had AD well over 3 years. He has progressed more in the last six months.Speech is slurred, walking alot slower and wanders from room to room alot. Does not wander from the house though. I was never exposed to this disease before so it has been quite a challenge.Have started using day care and it does help getting away. Would like to be able to find someone that would come to the house every other week, either friday or saturday evening so I could get out with friends. They all work during the day. Am hoping to read of other caregivers experiences. Feel free to email me anytime.

Guest: 12
Name: Ellen Ciezenski
From: San Diego, California
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Monday, September 24, 2001

A very lovely site.   I will enjoy visiting it often.
Thank you!

Guest: 11
Name: john o'donnell
From: yardlet pa
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Saturday, September 08, 2001

Alumnus of St John's Parochial school, 1952, Jersey City NJ

Guest: 10
Name: sanjaya
From: india
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Friday, August 17, 2001

My mother has been suffering from alz since last 4 years and is being cred by my wife and myself. The kind of pain one experiencesat seeing the steady degeneration is relly excruciating to say the least .I woul like tos share the experience with somebody who is a cregive.

     SO Do contact
   email address-

Guest: 9
Name: Beth
From: Canton, MI
Referred By: Viewing another Guestbook
Time: Thursday, August 09, 2001

Looking forward to sharing problems with others caring for our loved ones with this terrible disease.

Guest: 8
Name: Nicole Kypreos
From: Merrick, N.Y.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Monday, August 06, 2001

My grandmother passed on June 9,2001 from AD. I would like to get involved. Contact on what I can do

Guest: 7
Name: Colleen Gyori
From: Phoenix, Az
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, August 01, 2001

My 87 yr old mother is suffering with Alz. She is probably between the 5th and 6th stages on your chart.
But now, she suddenly can't stand or walk. The caregivers and the doctor don't seem to think it is attributable to the Alzheimers, but it seems to me that her brain has just stopped telling her body what to do. She recently began experiencing bowel incontenance as well. Do you think this figures into the advancement of the disease? I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar situation.

Guest: 6
Name: Robin
From: California
Website: Supported Living Services for
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Time: Wednesday, July 25, 2001

I enjoyed your website

Guest: 5
Name: Marylou
From: Carson City, Nevada
Referred By: Net Search
Time: Saturday, July 14, 2001

I thank you for this web-site, and my husband is in the moderate stage of Alzheimer's.. if there is anyone with a husband or relative who would like to exchange comments about this disease and life, I would love to hear from you.. Again, thank you so much for this site..

Guest: 4
Name: Donna
From: Georgia
Referred By: AOL
Time: Wednesday, July 04, 2001

I want to thank you Jamie for this site. My dad is in the last stages of AD and I must say this is a horrible diease. I hate what is has and is taking away from my daddy.

Guest: 3
Name: Mary Lockhart
From: Oklahoma
Website: Mary's Place
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Friday, June 29, 2001

I am a person with early onset Alzheimer's Disease. Diaganosed six years ago. Jamie thank you for having this web page.

Guest: 2
Name: Billie Norman
From: Virginia -- now in Indiana
Referred By: From a Friend
Time: Monday, June 11, 2001

Having taken care of two Alzheimer's patients (my mother-in-law and her sister) for three years, I have grown to hate the disease with great passion. I hope that a cure will be found before any more family members succumb to it.

Guest: 1
Name: TheRibbon
From: Maryland, USA
Website: The Ribbon Online
Referred By: Newsletter
Time: Wednesday, June 21, 2000

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