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Dedication Garden

Flower From: Heidi
For: Beverly Leon
mom, its been 9 months since you left us. The world just isnt the same, not a day goes by that I dont think of you. Sometimes I wake up in the night or in the morning and get that sinking feeling of dread inside me when the realization that you are gone hits me. I watch dad every day, his heart is broken...his one true love is gone. Nothing is the same, nothing will ever be. I try to avoid dealing with any of the feelings I have and I know thats wrong, but I need to in order to help dad and my kids deal with the loss. I cant risk losing my grip. I try to find things within me that bring you back to me, things I believe in because you taught me to. Or doing something and realizing Im doing it exactly the way you did..that makes me feel like you are here. The one thing I am grateful for, besides the fact that I got you for a that I was with you when you left this world as you were with me when I entered it. I promise I will take care of dad and help him through until he reunites with you. I love you mom, FOREVER till the day I stop breathing, the love never ends... your daughter Heidi

Flower From: Jim and Kathy Workman
For: Kimberly Ann Workman Lopez
Kimberly our sweet baby angel of only 39 when God called you home. Your 40th Birthday would have been June 3,2004. Dad and I miss you so very much. Every time the phone rings we think of all the times you called. It is very lonely since you have gone. There is not a day or second that goes by that we do not think of you. We know you are in a better place with no more pain or suffering. It is so hard to go on each day without you. Your own babies are being taken care of and miss you so much. So long sweetheart until Dad and I see you again in heaven. With all our love forever and for all eternity God Bless You. Love you Dad and Mom

Flower From: Megan
For: Grandma Jackson
I love and miss you. I know you are watching over Ben and me.

Flower From: Kathy
For: My mother, Theresa
August 9, 2000. As time passes, I miss you more. Thank you for the honor of caring for you. I love you mom.

Flower From: Wanda
For: Linda Radcliffe July, 18'2003
Mom, Its hard to believe its been almost a year. There is only one thing that brings comfort to my heart and that is knowing you are with Grandma, Grandpa, and my Dad.Bert and the boys miss you so. I cry everyday thinking about you. My heart still aches in sadness, And secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you, my Mother and my Best Friend, No one will ever know. I LOVE YOU!! Your daughter Wanda

Flower From: Alicia Silva
For: Felix Silva Sr.
Dad, today god took you and we feel the pain so bad. trying to understand why he chose for you to go. Though I know your suffering is gone. You left behind all of us without explanation. You know that noone understands the pain that loosing you has caused us but one thing we now is that we love you and that soon one day we will see eachother again. from the silva family R.I.P. Dad

Flower From: JB
For: Roma
It's been almost two years since cancer took you away. I know you are in a better place. The last time I saw it, our relationship wasn't on the ground it should have been for either of us. My heart was so hurt as you were always like a mother to me, and I didnt tell you enough how thankful I was for you. I miss you. I think of you everyday and your piture sits close by so I can see your smiling face and see the life that was within you. I know it's not over and one day we will see each other again. I forgive you for the betrayal to our family and to my father. I loved you... we all did, but we couldn't help you either. This is about forgivness and my love for your. Everything I have done I wanted to please you. Everything you taught I tryed to be the same as much as I could. You follow me in everyway. I miss you and wish we had the time back, but if we remember the story of the rainbow... God never fails and he promised to deliver us. For you it is all complete. Much Love! JB


Flower From: Maureen
For: My Grandmother Dorothy
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I miss you so much. I love you. "Your baby granddaughter".

Flower From: Shirley
For: My Mom
You have only been gone six months now. I miss you more every day. You were the greatest Mom ever and was always there for me. Alzheimers took you away.but now you are whole again and with Dad and all your brothers and sisters. I know God has one beautoful Angel now and I pray you are my guardian angel now. I will always remember you and the good times. Thank you for giving me life and teaching me the greatest of annything is love and to treat others as you woulld like to be treated. I will honor you always and will always keep you close in my heart. I love you always and I miss you so much and always will. The stars shine brighter in the heavens now with you there. I'am proud to be your daughter and I thank God he picked you to be my Mom. Love Always, your daughter Shirley

Flower From: Traci Cutler
For: Barbara Cutler
Dear Mom,I miss you so much. I wish I could say i love you again and hug you and hold your hand. It has been two years last month and it still feels like yesterday that I lost you. I think about you everyday and say I love you to the picture on my desk. I will never forget all of the wonderful things you did to raise me into a blessed child. You will be in my heart forever and I will never stop missing you. I love you always.

Flower From: Abigail
For: Grandma
Even though you passed away years ago, it stills seems like yesterday. I can remember the laughter and the tears. I know you watch over me and I thank you for your love. May you remain forever in my memories, heart, and heaven.

Flower From: Maureen
For: My Mother Madelaine
Mom, I miss you with all my heart. You were a wonderful mother, teacher, "Nana" and friend. The past few years have been a challenge. As a teacher, you taught me how to be patient and understanding as this horrible disease robbed you of your life. As A "Nana", you gave Katie only the very best lessons in life. She spoke recently of eating "Necco Wafers" and singing with you when you were in the car together. You devoted your life to your children and grandchildren. You taught me the true meaning of love as I snuggled beside you during your final hours. You were surrounded by love as well. I find comfort in knowing that you no longer have to live in confusion. "Love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as I'm living, my Mommy you'll be." (Robert Munsch) Love, Maureen

Flower From: Breana Gephart
For: My Grandma: Thelma Lawrence
For all the stories you read to me as a baby. For the hugs and kisses you give me. For all the love you show me. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and soul.

Flower From: Regina
For: Dearest Joe Zavatsky, Dad
I just want my future father in law to know how much we miss him. He passed away suddenly on July 6, 2003. My fiance and his family are all taking it very hard, and your prayers are needed. Thank You.

Flower From: Jill
For: my dad, Jack
Dear Dad: I wish everyday over and over that I could understand your illness. I miss you so much that it hurts sometimes. It has only been 3 months, and I still have tears everyday. I wish I could understand why the illness took your appetite away. You were one of the biggest eaters in the world. I guess someday you will be able to answer all my questions. In the meantime, I just want to let you know how much I miss you and love you very much. Your daughter, Jill

Flower From: Michelle
For: Charles Mazerolle
Grampa its been nearly three years since your suffering ended on Spetember 12, 2000. Only the day after 9/11. That week was so unbarable. I knew that you didn't know me for the last few months, but we will always have or memories and I know you are watching over me and everyone else. I never knew why this had to happen to you and all of us but I now know because my best friend's mom has just been diagonsed with Alzhimers and because I was with you I can help her prepare for what is to come. I will always miss you. I think about you and I can't help but cry. You were taken away from me too soon. I was only a kid that still need her grandfather. I wish u were still here it feels so empty here without you. I love you grampa and I love you and I wish I was there with you for your last moments to say goodbye.

Flower From: Linda and Ollie
For: Dean Cook, Linda's dad
Dad, you were such a gentle soul, and your battle with Alzheimer's was such a vicious one. It was horrible, especially in the first stages, to see your comprehension of what was to follow. "I'm doomed," you used to say - and, sadly, that was true. You fought the good fight for so many years, Dad. When you passed away on Christmas Day, all I could feel was relief at first. It's been three years now, and I regularly shed tears for you and miss you. You were such a loving father and a kind person. I look forward to seeing you in heaven, Dad -- I know that's where you are.

Flower From: sally
For: My Mom
To my gentle mother who passed away May 28, 2003, may you fly with the angels.

Flower From: Sham
For: Parameswary, My Beloved Mom
Mom, You're the best mom anyone could have All over your lifes you life for us Mom, always remember that I love you , love you and love you Happy Mother's Day Mom

Flower From: Betty
For: My Mom
To my wonderful Mom, your battle with AD finally ended Feb. 18th 2003. For 12 days and nights I watched you fight to stay with us, not eating or drinking because you forgot how to swallow. You showed me so much in these days, there was a lot of love in the room. I talked to you told you I loved you and rubbed your head to calm you and held your hand. I miss you so much now. You were my friend as well as my mom. I know the day of your funeral you hugged me through the sun, I felt it and now I know you are ok and alive again in heaven with dad. You were truly a special woman and I will probably shed a tear at least once a day for me missing you so much. Someone told me recently that losing your mom is like losing a part of yourself and now I know that is true. I love you mom and hope you are at peace now.

Flower From: June McGrath
For: In Memory of Mary Ruth Barbour
This is a dedication to my Mother Mary Ruth Barbour who died on October 12, 1999. Words cannot describe the way I have missed you, and the pain our family suffered during your painful days at the Nursing Home. You are in heaven now, but we shall not forget your courage and bravery during your illness, you truly were a wonderful Mother and your devout teachings shall be remembered always and will remain our heaarts forever. We know you are watching over us because we have an enormous sense of your presence in our daily lives. May God Bless you and keep you in his care forevermore. Your loving daughter, June.

Flower From: Ellen
For: My Beloved Mom...Mary Korpi
Oh my precious ever so loved it breaks my heart to watch you slip away from me more with each passing day...if I could only turn back the hands of time and stop this terrible journey! I find it hard to believe that in a couple of months you will have been in the nursing home for two years. It has been two long years since you have stopped living here with me..I see your smiling face every where I look...I hear your voice calling out my name... I thank God for giving us this time yet to be with one another..I savor and hang ever soo tightly onto every precious second...each precious moment... I can barely recognize you now...your bright eyes clouded so often with fear...your strong arms and hands which held me so tight and calmed my fears so weak and frail..your laughter once so loud now so very rare... I live in your world with you now...trying to understand what you are so desperately trying to tell me...sometimes only being able to communicate with you through a gentle touch or soft angel kisses across your beautiful face... It kills me when you tell me that you are soo ashamed because you still realize at times that what you are saying makes no sense..when you tell me that you are just going to stop talking because you know you are going insane... Even when you no longer recognize me I shall be there by your will not matter if all you can do is stare at me....I will know that some how some way you still know it is me... It has been an honor to have you as my mother and my best friend. You have given me more love than some people ever receive in a life time...I have truly been blessed with you. I pray that God will allow me to ease your fears and help you to go gently into His loving arms one day. I love you with every breath in my beloved treasured best friend...

Flower From: LaVern
For: Nels West
Honey, you left me nearly two months ago, and I still can't think about you without tears filling my eyes. I know things were rough at times, but we did grow so much closer those last four months that God gave us. You didn't want to go to a nursing home, and the Good Lord provided Anita and Keith to assist in your care, making it possible for you to remain at home with me. Though it still hurts so much that I wasn't with you the day you died, I do get consolation that I was able to care for you, hold your hand, or silently pray with you when you seemed troubled. I need your help now, Nels, maybe even more than I did before. Please continue to be my guardian angel. Love you, Honey. Your Sweet

Flower From: Gail Ford
For: My mom--Ardelle Grant
Mom, you left us on October 26th, just 6 weeks ago and now there is such an emptiness in my life that will never go away. It was a pleasure taking care of you for the last 2 years even though I knew at times you didn't know me. But my heart knows that now you are no longer suffering and at peace so that makes me content. I will miss you always.

Flower From: Michelle Conklin
For: My Mother - Rosina Cole
October 15, 2002, the worse day of my life. Alzheimer's took you away, stripped you of your will to live. I watched you go slowly for five days, talked to you, held your hand, and told you "I love You". I will never know if you heard those words or if you even understood, as I saw no reaction in your beautiful blue eyes. I miss you so much, I never thought it would be this hard! I'll try to remember the good days we had, until AD invaded your system. You were always full of so much spark, and enjoyed life so much. Why did AD have to do this to you. I tried so hard to help you. I hope you know that. And when I look at the stars above, I have to hope that it's you telling me that you are finally happy again. I love You, Mom

Flower From:
For: Nancy Kinsey
Nancy, Convenient time I gave, Infrequently expressing, The sentiment between routine and role. Words left unspoken, Considered unnecessary, Sunshine and shadows. Now the bridge is broken, The chance was temporary, I failed to say just what I really meant. A cemetery debt, For love that went unpaid, And greeting cards I never even sent. You are not forgotten my three times a lady see you soon

Flower From: Lucretia
For: Erlean Rutherford
To my Mother, my friend my buddy...although this disease has taken all of these away, I have so many memories to keep me going. As we two travel this journey of Alzheimers, we are changing, learning and adjusting but what remains first and formost, is the loving Mother I've had for almost 67 years of my life and hope to have even longer. You have always wanted to live to be 100...your only 8 years away and your physical health is so good...God willing, you will make it and it is my prayer that if/when you do, He lets you realize it because I know it will make you so happy. I love you Mother...for all you''ve been and what you are today.

Flower From: Deb
For: My dad Jack
You have only been gone from this earth for a month but your body betrayed you three years ago. In death you regained your dignity and you took with you our prayers and love. You were a brave sailor, a loving dad, grandfather and greatgrandfather and we miss you. I hope you have found in Heaven what escaped you on earth because of Alzheimer's disease. We will never forget your grin, your pale blue eyes or your silly jokes. I love you dad. Deb

Flower From: Lorraine
For: Kay Gleeson
On Tuesday, February 26, Mom's battle with Alzheimer's ended. As we prayed and reflected on Mom's passing we realized that she has left a legacy behind that can not be forgotten. She had 4 children, 22 grandchildren ranging in age from 19 to 39, and over a dozen great grandchildren. She liked having so many grandchildren to brag about to all her friends and neighbours in the seniors' complex where she and Dad lived for many years. She had them all trumped! (MOst of the credit for the vast numbers of grandchildren must go to my sister who clocked in with 14 of those 22 children.) She lived through the depression, WWII (as an air raid warden in Scotland), a divorce from an abusive husband way back in the 1950's, the loss of custody of her two oldest children to that same husband, the deaths of her parents who died painful deaths through which she nursed and cared for them while raising her own children, the loss of her twin brother in childhood, and then her older brother wh..

Flower From: Gayle (doxgirl)
For: Peg Jaeger
Our journey through Alzheimer's is over! You died as you lived, with grace and dignity, how lucky we were. Thank you for teaching me, so much, these last, almost, seven years. I found a new me as I was losing you. I miss you so much, thanks for being such a great Mom.

Flower From: michele
For: mom and dad
mom and dad i miss u both soo sooo much,, but knowingthat u are together after 8 months helps me a lot, i will never ever stop thinkin of u both please watch over me and the kids and jan and bob's kids love u so so much!!!!

Flower From: Tracy (MUJulie)
For: My Mother
Mom: It is almost three years since you passed. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you with love, and a smile comes to my face. You were a joy and inspiration in my life. Your funeral was a celebration of your life. Someone stated at your funeral,that you were whole again and were again the Jane we all knew and loved. I know you knew that though, as you were watching down on us that day and will forever. You are forever in our hearts and thoughts. Be at peace.

Flower From: diana
For: my parents, Rose and Warren
Our lives are full of changes... We grow up expecting that... But the changes you two are going through now, none of us expected... All the love I feel for you both cannot help with the circumstances you find yourselves in... But I am sure that having the love we feel for each other helps on a day to day some way.... I"m so proud of both of you ... Dad for managing to have some humor in light of your condition and Mom, for your patience and love you share with my dad every day.... It is hard on both of you I know I pray for an end to this disease I love you both more than life Love me

Flower From: Patricia
For: Virginia McIntyre
To my mother -- Thank you mother for continuing to teach me even while this disease takes its effect upon you. Thank you for showing me how I did have the strength of unconditional love. We have experienced changes that I had believed a daughter should never have to do to her mother. To my mother -- I continue to realize how much you taught me as I grew up by your example with emotional strength, love of flowers (specifically roses), nature and animals. To my mother -- Oh how I wish that this was not you that the disease had struck, I still see you as this tall, slender and woman of strength. I am however,so thankful for the time we have still have and the teaching you have taught me in the last 10 years. Love you lots Mother --

Flower From: Gayle (doxgirl)
For: Peg Jaeger
For my Mom as she continues her journey through this awful disease. She still remains a kind, loving, graceful lady as she struggles with the tasks of daily living. I am blessed to be with her, almost daily, to give her the support and help she deserves. God had given me, so far, the patience to also be kind and loving as we go through this together. Six years seems like a life time. Now we take each day as it comes. I love you Mom!

Flower From: Sue
For: Hayes Badstibner
Dad..your fateful journey is over, but the love we feel for you is strong. You are missed each and every day, but, we are strong in the knowledge that your memory has returned and you now know who we are again, so that you can now look down upon us and be our guardian angel. We will be together again someday, but for now, enjoy this time with your parents and brothers and give PeeWee a big hug. I love you daddy, more than words can express.

Flower From: Donna
For: William Burtis Hand
My Dear Sweet Daddy, For All The Times I Didn't Understand And All The Times I Didn't Say I Love You, Now I Know I Love You More Than Life. Thank You For Being The Father You Were. As Children We Don't Understand, As Adults With Children OF Our Own We Understand All Too Well.

Flower From: Lil
For: All Caregivers
Thank you to all the caregivers who give so much of themselves. Your loved ones are so very blessed to have you.

Flower From: TheRibbon
For: The Ribbon Online
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