Bubba's Shrimp Fettucini
a reader from Auburndale, Fl. says: This is a very easy recipe with little preperation and adds a unique twist to the "usual" seafood alfredo. Bon Apetit !
Prep Time: 5 minutes
- 1 package (60-70) count frozen peeled and deveined shrimp
- 1 Jar commercial creamy Alfredo sauce
- 1 small can Crab meat or Chopped Surimi
Thaw shrimp and surimi under running cold water and drain. Sprinkle shrimp mixture with lemon juice and continue to drain. Melt butter in large skillet and saute a small chopped onion until clear, add several tablespoons of minced garlic pieces. Add shrimp and crab (surimi) mixture and saute. Add lemon pepper, salt and cajun spices to taste. Continue sauteing until exuded liquid evaporates. Add Alfredo sauce and continue stirring. Add as much parmesan cheese as you like (a lot is better). Add 1 tablespoon of sun-dried tomato paste and continue stirring until well blended. Simmer for 5 minutes on low. Serve hot over boiled and drained fettucini. |
Nutrition Facts |
Serving Size 4 servings
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